" It is what it is." Don't you just love that phrase. It means nothing more or nothing less, simply what it is. No artifice, no hidden agendas. No lies or reconstructions or revisionist history. Nothing added, nothing taken away. Simple "is" ness. Like "I am" or I am what I am. Nothing added, nothing taken away.
"Things are seldom what they seem, skim milk masquerades as cream" This line from the H.M.S. Pinafore by Gilbert and Sullivan, teaches the opposite of " It is what it is." Everything that is, can be taken literally but also can be multi faceted. A shattered mirror still reflects reality.
The Great PooBah too, is, the opposite of what she seems. How can both be true? She is what she is but she is the opposite of what she seems. This my friends is known as alternative realities or inside out. She is what she is but much of what you see and hear is illusory. One and many, singleness and multiplicity. We can look at the whole or it's many parts but each part contains some of the reality of the whole. A segment of an orange, contains part of the identity of the whole orange. As does the peel when we shred some to flavor frosting or cakes. The identity of the orange or it's orangeness is not lost in separation from the whole.
In much the same way a human being moves through life sharing parts of it's essence with others but never really giving away it's identity. We are what we are and it is what it is, but who can identify the truth in multiplicity.
We can separate parts of our identity and indeed many of us are fragmented into what seems to be different personalities with different people. You cannot step into the same river twice and no two people see or experience the river the same. Each individual has so many facets to his or her personality. The more complex the individual the more can remain hidden or unseen. One cannot be blamed but can surely can be misunderstood, as different people bring out different parts of their identity; depending on whom they are with. And you thought all the mysteries were in detective novels. Well, we are each detectives searching for true reality in each of the people we meet. What appears to be true to us can be a very different experience to another person. We are all challenged to peer below the surface of our own illusions and the illusions of others to search out a true picture of reality.
The lesson is don't be too simplistic. It isn't always what it is, or who they are. There are many wonderful and exciting layers to existence and it may be our job to discern these layers and seek out what truly is and is permanent. OR NOT!!!!
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