Friday, May 6, 2016

The week in highlights

This has been an interesting week for me.  I have found many new and unexpected thoughts have been crowding into my mind.
On Monday I started to write about my view of the current Primary season candidates but something told me to hold off.  Tuesday came and went and then Zodiac killer dropped out of the race with a final punch and elbow to wife's face and I felt nothing I could have written could top that.  Even my sense of humor could not have anticipated a punchline to beat that.
Moving along.  On Wednesday I planned on meeting a friend at the supermarket Starbucks and then doing my monthly Senior day 10% off shopping at the same supermarket.  The best laid turned out another friend needed transportation to and from a Dr's off ice to have a skin cancer removed from the rear of her driving foot knee.  I changed plans and found myself off to Youngtown to pickup my friend.  " Youngtown is the oldest retirement community in the US. In 1954, two developers bought 320 acres (1.3 km2) of farmland & built is notable as the first master-planned, adult community in the United States, dedicated exclusively to retirees, designed by Ben Schleifer.[5] However, in 1996, the town denied extending the stay of a 16-year-old child to live in the community. In response, the Arizona Attorney General investigated and determined it was unenforceable. In response Youngtown repealed the age restrictions in 1999.[6]"
Later Sun City was built and overshadowed the original retirement village.
" Sun City was opened January 1, 1960, with five home models, a shopping center, a recreation center, and a golf course. The opening weekend drew 100,000 people, ten times more than expected, and resulted in aTime magazine cover story.[2] The future retirement community was built on the site of the former ghost town of Marinette.[3] Developer Del E. Webb expanded Sun City over the years, and his company went on to build other retirement communities in the Sun BeltSun City West was built in the late 1970s, Sun City Grand in the late 1990s, Sun City Anthem in 1999, and Sun City Festival in July 2006.[4] "
All of these retirement areas are affordable and welcomed by both older citizens and snowbirds.  The main dangers of living in these areas are being run over by an octogenarian in a golf cart, or dying of boredom or sunstroke.
I thoroughly enjoyed taking my friend to the medical center and returning her home little the worse for wear but very tired and feeling no pain,YET).
I then went for my senior day supermarket run and emerged two hours later with aching legs and hot(it almost reached 98' by the time I was putting $176.00 worth of groceries in the car)  I had saved almost $70.00 between sales, 10% off and my coupons.  Not a bad investment in my time.  I got home unpacked groceries and collapsed for the remainder of the day.
Thursday brought me to my Martha's Circle group, where we cut up, donated and canceled, postage stamps to borders of 1/4 to 1/3 of an inch on all four sides of each stamp.  These stamps are then further sorted by type and sent to a Christian organization in Florida which in turn sells them and uses the funds for education programs in Latin America.
Folks, this is the kind of tedious mission work little old ladies love to do.  So cut your envelopes completely in half and send the stamped end to me to continue this valuable program. If you do choose to participate please send the whole half envelope including the back.  Some put their stamp right at the top and side of the envelope not leaving any border.  So we use the back and side to cut the border.  I bet you never knew collecting stamps for charity is such an exacting science.
Later we watched a DVD from "Women of Faith" and listened to Lora Schwlinder speak. This lady is in her 70's and full of pep and vigor and has a lovely singing voice.  She spoke of inviting  God to accompany you throughout the day in all the Little Things.She said most of us are savie  or desperate enough to call on God in prayer for the large events in life like illness, sorrow, death, fires, disasters  and one could go on and on. Few of us keep in touch with or pray to God in all the little things which make up all of our lives.  She says she wakes up and gives thanks for all her blessings and then asks the Lord to be with her in all the little things she encounters each and every day which we seldom give over to him.  We think we should be able to direct and order our own lives.
I must say we ladies had a good discussion about this talk, but It has been on my mind ever since. For years I have tried to pray continuously and to ask the Lord to be beside me throughout my day, But I do too often get distracted and find myself seldom thinking of the Lord or Spirit while  standing in line at the grocery store or getting the mail.   Then too, we know terrible things happen to us when we least expect it.  We blurt out mean or sarcastic things to a friend or are involved in a robbery, out of the blue.
The things we worry about most never happen but something even more devastating sits around the corner waiting for us.  Now I do not want to say I want to go around scared all the time, but rather just the opposite.  I want to proceed through all occasions with God, or Spirit, or Christ or whatever names we call the Holy Presence.  I want that Presence to accompany and share with me all the occasions or events or people I encounter.  I want my thoughts to be deeply embedded in the Holy and Sanctified so whatever life throws at me I can proceed confidently, powerfully, and with love in my heart expressed through my actions.
Pretty powerful stuff isn't it.  I guess I should listen to others speak more often.
Well these are some of the exciting adventures which have made up my week.  Let us see what life has in store for me next week.  

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